A record number of 250 gymnasts from 34 countries, even from as far away as Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Cape Verde and New Zealand, will take part in the 8th Aphrodite Cup International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament, which will be held from March 10th to 12th at the Faliro Olympic Indoor Hall (Tae Kwon Do).

Aphrodite Cup 2023 is organized in collaboration between the Faliro Gymnastics Club ARMONIA, the Hellenic Gymnastics Federation and the Municipality of Palaio Faliro, with the support of the environmental organization “Institute Team for the World”.

The event will be bigger than ever this year, breaking all previous records. A total of 250 gymnasts from 34 countries and five continents will meet in Faliro (Andorra, Australia, Armenia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cape Verde, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Slovenia, Switzerland, Slovakia, USA, Vietnam, Romania and Greece), double the size compared to last year’s event.

The stakes will be high, too, given the fact that the Greek Group will make their official season debut in front of their public, one week before the FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup that will follow at the same stadium (March 17-19) and will mark the dynamic start of their quest for the Olympic qualification.

In addition, Aphrodite Cup has an important social and environmental dimension, given that it highlights a purely female sport and is always held on dates close to International Woman’s Day, while at the same time promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, it has been included in the 2nd Level of Green Sports League and is therefore a reference point for gymnastics events at an international level.