Once again this year, Aphrodite Cup will be streamed live from the beginning until the very end, giving to many Rhythmic Gymnastics fans from all over the world the opportunity to watch live all the action from Palaio Faliro, Athens!
The competition will be brought to your screens by “Marc’s Vaulting & Gymnastics Videos”, on the following links:
Friday 15th March: https://youtu.be/7xCU3jVhZe0
Saturday 16th March: https://youtu.be/o92rs5HRqSA
Sunday 17th March: https://youtu.be/pqyb42INT4U
In addition, the gymnasts and fans will be able to order videos and photos from Aphrodite Cup 2019 on the following link: http://www.gymnasticsdvd.de/
Don’t miss the chance to watch and enjoy Greece’s biggest Rhythmic Gymnastics tournament of the year!